Friday 8 June 2012

Avocado and Banana Smash

Being married to a Chef has its benefits; dinner is always on the table, no meal is ever served twice, and I am always exposed to new and interesting foods.  The downsides of being married to a Chef are that he often works late hours, the sink is always full of dishes, and now my taste buds far exceed my own cooking skills, leaving me in an unpleasant situation on nights where I must fend for myself.  However, my one and only triumph in the kitchen came the day that I taught my Chef husband a new recipe.....avocado and banana smash.

Once upon a time in Miami, I lived in a house on the water named "The Bay House," which (if my memory serves me correct) had an avocado tree and a few banana trees.  One day, my roommate Aldo was preparing a meal using the fruit from the garden when I stumbled in and saw his bowl full of greenish goo.  After twisting my face in disgust, he finally convinced me to take a bite by telling me it was a Costa Rican delicacy. Although I am sure it can not quite qualify as a "delicacy," I am glad that he told me what I needed to hear in order to indulge in my first spoonful.  I was hooked! Not only is it delicious and filling, but it is very healthy, too. 

So here is the recipe (And no laughing! I know it is ridiculously easy...that's the beauty of it!):
  • Take 1 ripe avocado and smash it with a fork in a bowl
  • Take 1 ripe banana and smash it with a fork in the same bowl
  • Now smash together until they reach the consistency that you like (some people prefer it smoother than others)
  • Add a drizzle of honey if you prefer 
Now, ignore the way it looks and enjoy! Eat with a spoon straight from the bowl.  It is a perfect meal for breakfast, lunch, or an afternoon snack!  Thank you Aldo for sharing your delicious breakfast 10 years ago!